Friday, August 30, 2013

Welcoming Students Back to School

For nearly twenty years now, I've been greeting new students and their parents as the students move into the UMD residence halls for the first time.  It is an exciting time for families.  Students are both eager and apprehensive about starting this new phase of their lives.  Parents are proud of their kids but missing them already.  It is fun to meet them and encourage them to share just a little of their life stories.

I just came from the Chancellor's Convocation, an event for new students intended to infect them with our enthusiasm, open their minds to our shared values, and encourage them to be successful.  As I looked out over the sea of student faces, I wondered which of these students will become our leaders of tomorrow.  I also greeted some of our returning students, and I saw for myself how they are expanding into their maturity and emerging as leaders.  The president of our Student Association spoke to the new students, talking about how she never anticipated where she would be today when she was a new student three years ago.

On Monday, I will be offering a workshop to a small group of students titled, "Building Friendships and Influencing Others." This workshop is based on the article, "Building Relationships," by Brian McDonald of MOR Associates, Inc.  Of all the lessons I have learned from Brian and others at MOR, the four Is of initiative, inquire, invest, and influence had the most profound impact on me, and I am hoping to pass it on.

For those of you who work in education, enjoy this time of year.  Meet some new students, and encourage them.  We are all responsible for helping them to succeed.  Some of them will become great leaders, and many others will provide leadership at different levels.  Show them how we do it.

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