Friday, March 29, 2013

Why Is Change So Hard?

Change is a fact of life in the technology field.  That's one thing that makes it so exciting.  So why can it be so hard for us humans to deal with change, even those of us in IT?  Here are a few thoughts that often seem to impede my ability to cope with change, along with some strategies for overcoming them.

Thought:  If someone is asking me to change, it must mean that I'm not okay now.
Response:  You are okay now, but maybe you can be better.
Example:  If I learn a new skill and apply it, then I might able to accomplish new things.

Thought:  This change is interfering with my productivity.
Response:  Sometimes you have to slow down in order to go faster.
Example:  Whenever I get a new computer, it takes me days of loading software, moving files, and configuring my new computer in order to get back to where I was with the old one.  But a few days after that, I can be even more productive with new tools and a faster machine.

Thought:  I'm too tired of change to change anymore.  I have change fatigue.
Response:  Hang in there.  Pretty soon you will adapt to the change, and you may find some exciting results.
Example:  Recently we have had a great deal of turnover in administrators at my level and above.  It was tiring to learn all the new players, build all new relationships, and figure out how things work in this new environment.  But now I have so many new friends and colleagues.

Thought:  What if my new boss doesn't like me?
Response:  What if she does?
Example:  If you get a new boss, this is your big chance to practice your relationship-building skills.  You will work best with your new boss if you take time to figure out how you can best work together.

Thought:  Things are just fine the way they are now. 
Response:  Humans are infinitely creative and adaptable.  Change brings progress.
Example:  Imagine where we would be if the great inventors in the world decided things were just fine without their inventions.

If you are feeling some change fatigue, take a deep breath and hold on.  You will get used to it, and the possibilities for improvement are awesome.  Celebrate the creativity and advancement of human civilization.

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