Thursday, February 21, 2013


Here is a great article from Forbes by Amy Rees Anderson, "Success Will Come and Go, But Integrity Is Forever."  It is not difficult to find multiple examples of dishonesty every day in the news.  Less often, but more striking, are the examples of individuals who self-destruct very publicly through some lapse in integrity.  Many of these are sex scandals, but even worse are those whose behavior is rooted in greed and have resulted in the downfall of some of the largest corporations in the world.

Granted, we are all human, and as such, we can be very tempted by things we want badly.  Part of integrity is to develop a straight moral compass and the strength to stick to the course.  When you find yourself tempted, think about the possible outcomes.  It can take years to build a fine reputation and only a few minutes to destroy it.  Your integrity and reputation are much more important than a few extra dollars or a few minutes of self-gratification.

If you want to be a leader, build your reputation and maintain your integrity, or you may find your followers unwilling to trust you and follow your lead.

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